Friday, July 20, 2007

Some Poems


Each day i wake up yet continue this dream
A fairy story complete, with scones and whipped cream
Dare i dream more, dare i even ask?
In beauty and goodness, that's where i bask
What an adventure, what could be truer
"Nothing", I claim as my days here get fewer
Tears of gratitude, tears of thanks
But none from overly hard wooden spoon spanks
Tears at the beauty i've come and i've seen
Tears for the good things where God's clearly been
Tears for the bear that i saw in the trees
Even tears when the radio first spoke in degrees
Who knows if these tears are best left unshed
As thoughts and emotions running round in my head
Yes i'm thankful to all who have got me this far
From a flight overseas to the Red Rocket car
For all the people i've been able to meet
Who are more than just artificially sweet
Those who've been loving and generous and kind
Whose offers of showers are sometimes declined
Who put up with my stench and yet don't seem to mind
And those who i've talked to and gone fairly deep
Even those who have woken me up from my sleep
Sleep that gives way to a much bigger dream
Is this life real? So it would seem
Only missing two things in this perfect dream life
Two big biceps and a hiking guide wife!


Let loose on this earth, and left to ponder
Is there something more, is it over yonder
Can the beauty i've seen be captured and caught
Can it be framed and then sold and then bought
Is it something that speaks of something much more
Something far more beautiful than i've seen before
Is that even possible? Can that be true?
I'm not one hundred percent certain, are you?
Beauty indescribable beyond mere words
And to try would equate to piling up turds
Even photos and videos can't do it justice
You're invited to 'come and see, feel and touch this'
This beauty i see and the things that i find
Speaks very much to me of an infinite mind
Is it that beauty is speaking in morse
Beckoning us to come search for its source
Reflections, sounds, echoes of a voice
In beauty humanity will always rejoice.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Can the beauty i've seen be captured and caught
Can it be framed and then sold and then bought

I really quite like those lines. A nice Dr Seuss influence seems to be working too! Cool.