Sunday, August 26, 2007

Spiritual Update 004

So many thoughts have been running around in my head in the past months that I don’t even know how to start writing about them. So much has gone on, so many experiences have been had and so many questions have been raised.

I know my faith is changing and it scares me a little, but it probably scares some of those who know me even more. Part of this has been due to a two week trip to Holden Village, a Lutheran retreat center. Here’s some things that happened there.

Holden Village

I arrived at Holden the day after the Village celebrated a gay pride festival, some of the rainbow flags still blowing in the breeze. As soon as I saw them I knew my time there was going to be a mind stretching experience. I purposely took the time to meet and talk with people about that issue in particular.

My first insight was that the culture I’m a part of and my feelings about women really affect my reading of Scripture that deals with women having roles and authority in the church. I think people at Holden deal with their reading of the passages on homosexuality in much the same way. Both our interpretations are more colored by feelings than information and the information we look at is largely to support conclusions we’ve already come to. The heart behind both these interpretations is a good one that doesn’t want these communities to be mistreated or denied things like they have in the past. It doesn’t mean either of them is right though.

I remember sitting in a rubber tube just laying there wishing I could deal with the Bible honestly and not knowing how to do so independent of my feelings, desires and other outside influences. I did some mega soul searching while I was at Holden with the whole queer issue, trying to figure out what I think and why I thought it was so important. Here are a few more things I found.

I think the reason why a lot of people are so worried (myself included) is that they lack understanding of both the issue and those who are oriented this way. All this does is create, ignorance, misunderstanding and hate. Another reason I have made such a big deal about it is that it’s something that disgusts me. That has caused me to write it off without ever looking into it. But there are a lot of things that are clearly sinful which I should be disgusted by but aren’t. Greed, materialism, gluttony, oppression. Therefore my feelings don’t really count for too much. Hopefully as I become more like Jesus, what God calls good I’ll call good and what God calls sin so will I.

I’ve also been thinking about tolerance and how the people at Holden are tolerant of the queer community but in doing so have become intolerant toward those who aren’t. It’s funny because that’s what I feel is happening with me. In becoming more tolerant toward those who are more liberal I find I’m losing patience with the more conservative people I know. It’s a shame, because I think some people feel they are becoming more tolerant when they do this. However, tolerance or grace has not increased but has just been transferred from one group of people to another. I don’t even like the word tolerance because it to me it suggests to, ‘just put up with’ rather than be involved with, to care for and meet the needs of.

Time and a Sabbath days rest.

I went to a seminar on the Sabbath and realise I don’t take this command nearly seriously enough, not even close.

We constantly keep track of it, dividing it, overfilling it, worrying about it, needing more of it, running out of it and advertising products to save it. It is both an enemy and an ally, but more often an enemy. If our computer takes more than 15 seconds to load we need a new one. If we can’t overtake someone in front of us travelling 5 under the speed limit we feel like slapping someone (at least I do). Impatience is everywhere, yet the Bible says ‘love is patient’. In the session it was suggested that time is a spiritual problem. The way we approach time is much different than those who lived before us. Its really interesting.

It’s fair enough that we don’t want to waste this life away and I think a lot of busyness in Christian circles, comes from a good heart and a desire to serve God with our time. Yet it seems that God has a slightly different idea about how we can best be using our time than some of us do. If our computer takes more than 15 seconds to load we need a new one. If we can’t overtake someone in front of us travelling 5 under the speed limit we feel like slapping someone (at least I do). Impatience is everywhere, yet the Bible says ‘love is patient’.

Heres just a few things I found interesting about taking a Sabbath days rest.

Taking a days rest gives us time to reflect on our past 6 days work, mirroring another part of the Biblical story where God does the same.

It’s not only a time to refrain from work but an opportunity to do something special. To enjoy creation, others and life. So maybe that gives me a reason to dress up for church. I’ve always hated the idea because I see it as an extension of people dressing up their hearts and pretending to be someone they’re not. I also haven’t liked the idea because those who don’t have or can’t afford nice (Sunday best) clothes may feel out of place.

The Sabbath is observed enjoy the freedom we have and to remember the freedom God gave Israel from their slavery in Egypt. Freedom to allow them to actually have a day off to rest I would imagine.

(Deuteronomy 5:12-15) "Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the LORD your God has commanded you. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor the alien within your gates, so that your manservant and maidservant may rest, as you do. Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

Being out in the mountains I’ve been able to relax and not be all rush, rush, deadline this, 3:30 that. Its just nice. Nice to lose track of time, nice to forget about deadlines and nice to have time to ‘be still and know that God is God’ Lee see how I go now I’m back in the real world. It really is a step of faith to obey God in this because the rest of the world is telling us to speed up, work harder and get more in. I’ve been sucked in, have you?

Old Testament stuff

Its been pretty exciting seeing the parallels, continuity and connectedness of the Old and New Testaments.

Speaking of the Old Testament I have slowly started working through it realising even more that the Bible is one big story that we are a part of. The New Testament makes absolutely no sense without it.

Even though I’m discovering these things it’s still been hard for me to slug my way through Leviticus. Some of the stuff in there seems really sexist and disgusting to me. Here’s an example.

(Leviticus 21:16-21) Then the Lord said to Moses, “Give the following instructions to Aaron: In all future generations, none of your descendants who has any defect will qualify to offer food to his God. No one who has a defect qualifies, whether he is blind, lame, disfigured, deformed, or has a broken foot or arm, or is hunchbacked or dwarfed, or has a defective eye, or skin sores or scabs, or damaged testicles. No descendant of Aaron who has a defect may approach the altar to present special gifts to the Lord. Since he has a defect, he may not approach the altar to offer food to his God.

And another

(Leviticus 27:1-8) The Lord said to Moses, “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. If anyone makes a special vow to dedicate someone to the Lord by paying the value of that person, here is the scale of values to be used. A man between the ages of twenty and sixty is valued at fifty shekels of silver, as measured by the sanctuary shekel. A woman of that age is valued at thirty shekels of silver. A boy between the ages of five and twenty is valued at twenty shekels of silver; a girl of that age is valued at ten shekels of silver. A boy between the ages of one month and five years is valued at five shekels of silver; a girl of that age is valued at three shekels of silver. A man older than sixty is valued at fifteen shekels of silver; a woman of that age is valued at ten shekels of silver. If you desire to make such a vow but cannot afford to pay the required amount, take the person to the priest. He will determine the amount for you to pay based on what you can afford.

I recently was telling someone about the latter passage and found it weird that ‘The Lord said to Moses’ the males were worth more. He told me a genuine truth seeker wouldn’t write off the possibility that men are actually worth more than women. But even allowing that to be an option seems wrong to me; so again I come to the text with all my preconceived ideas and cultural baggage and I write it off as a valid option before even beginning any serious study.

Keeping an honest and open mind in this instance would be extremely unpopular. Do I really want the truth at all costs? I don’t know.

Those two passages make me wonder if what is attributed to God was really what was said. Has what God said been influenced by the practices and culture of the time??

A genderless God?

I remember at Y.I.T.S (Year in the Son) having the option to write an essay on the femininity of God, and I also remember turning it down because it was too hard!! Turns out it’s come back and found me as lately I’ve been forced to think about the genderlessness of God. Already straddling the fence on this topic I’ve find myself being pushed to one side through meeting some feminists who are dead against reducing God to a sex. I do think God is beyond that, even though it was weird to hear God referred to as she. It was also foreign to hear someone who gets upset when God is referred to in the masculine.

I think people confine God to a gender to make him/her more personal and to help them get a picture in their minds. Without a gender I can’t get a picture God very well at all but I don’t think God ever intended to be reduced to a mere picture.

Judgement & Money

It started with talking about how people can possibly sell or spend $20,000 on a cat, which soon turned into a talk about how anyone can justify spending a lot of money on a nice meal when there are people starving, and there is so much better stuff we can be doing with our money.

Needless to say, I was arguing against spending lots of money but after a long conversation I’ve become convinced that even if it doesn’t seem, ‘worth it to me’ to spend $50 on a meal it can be ‘worth it’ to others. To be honest, a lot of people may look at me spending thousands of dollars on this trip and think the same thing but it really has been ‘worth it’ to me. In the same way I can’t understand how someone can spend $100 on a concert, I must realise others can’t understand how I could spend $200 on a pair of hiking boots. One of my favourite quotes seems relevant again ‘Seek first to understand, then be understood’.

I realised I’ve been applying my own personal convictions to everyone else’s lives; but life is not as simple or as black and white as that. Most, if not all ethics aren’t a one-size-fits-all deal, they apply on a person to person basis . So while I can’t question the fact that it is worth it to them. I can as them ‘What makes it worth it to you?’ which is a much less judgemental position to take.

I remember playing golf with Derek and finding out he was thinking about buying an expensive guitar which I just hammered him for. It was pretty disgusting of me. There I was, telling him it wasn’t worth his money, when for him it obviously was. What I did was as stupid as trying to convince someone their ankle isn’t broken and they should get back on the field. Sorry about that Derek.

I guess this attitude spills over into other areas too. Respecting the fact that other people eat meat “because it’s worth it to them”. Realising that others are comfortable with more intimate physical contact than I would be in a relationship, etc. I hope this conversation will continue to remind me to be more graceful and seek first to understand others along with their situations and personalities.


After getting back from this trip and seeing the things I’ve seen and doing the things I’ve done I more than anyone should be challenged to think about the environment and make earth friendly choices. I’d love for my kids to be able to see stuff like that…I guess I’ll need some kids first!!

Some thoughts on the Bible

Maybe it’s not about whether the Bible is 100% inerrant on every little detail but whether or not we can trust it. Although they don’t have a perfect track record, we can confidently put trust in our friends with a secret. In the same way I think we can trust the Bible. And we must trust that God is guiding our reading of it

I read something about the Biblical inerrancy doctrine coming about as a rebuttal to the idea of the inerrancy of the pope. Although having been accurate so many times before in many different areas the Bible gets the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

I guess now I don’t see the proven otherwise as such a big deal. A while back I think if any one thing in the Bible was not completely accurate my faith would’ve fallen apart. One example in the Bible I have never found a good answer to is when God says ‘Man shall no longer live more than 120 years’ yet there is record in the Bible and even today of people whose lives lasted longer.

Vespers (Services at Holden)

I struggled singing the hymns in tune and even with following the song. I struggled with knowing when to stand and sit. Having no idea when they’d come up I missed several congregational responses, the others I missed because I didn’t know the words. I was a D+ Lutheran at best.

I still did love a lot about the services at Holden. There were a lot of traditions and different expressions of worship that I don’t usually experience in the churches I go to.

I loved how they light candles and pray

I loved the words to some of the hymns out of the hymn book. I still need Will Chiles to find the lyrics to 578 for me, maybe its 587. Thanks Will!!

I loved singing prayers while thinking about my friends. “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy”.

I loved how after a Bible passage was read the reader would say ‘word of God, word of life’ and then the congregation would say ‘thanks be to God’ although I did catch myself after only a few days just saying it without meaning it or even thinking about it which is the trouble with tradition. It can easily become meaningless repetition. But then the flip side which I have been on is always coming up with new ways to say something to God, constantly reinventing the wheel.

Singing songs another person has written can be a humbling thing as by singing them in some way I’m admitting that someone else has already said it better than I ever could. I feel like that with the psalms sometimes but I guess the trouble is that not every song that gets sung resounds with my experience of God.

Speaking of praising God I feel like I have found a really good reason to speak in tongues. So many people I have met that do just freak me out and I’d never want to be like them. But on this trip I have felt like thanking God and just couldn’t because I knew words just weren’t enough, how could they be. That is when I’ve felt like speaking in tongues would be useful for me.

Well that’s about it. Lately I’ve done a lot of things that I am terrible at. Golf, climbing and ice skating. Its interesting going from being skilled to being a complete unco without a clue. I don’t think I’ve learned anything from it yet but it’s interesting to make the transition from expert to newbie, teacher to learner.

Righteo, on the flip side.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Holden: Drive On

After arriving at the Chelan visitors centre and being informed that he missed the only ferry for the day, Andrew sped up stream to Fields Point Landing, the only other stop he could board the ferry at. The red rocket truly lived up to it's name and managed to get Andrew there just in time, though not quite enough time to get out the money required for a return ticket. Andrew knew that problem would be easily resolved as he was convinced that by the end of two weeks literally hundreds of people fed up with his stench would be throwing cash at him.

So he jumped on the boat to Holden village and within a few hours was docked at Lucerne and taking a bus up the mountains in to the village. This village is more remote than even the fanciest pay TV controller. It has no outside road access, no phone reception, and an internet connection slower than a high schooler "taking a toilet break". Adding to it's wilderness charm is the fact that it's set in the prettiest mountains imaginable.

Even the building they had services in was beautiful. But not as beautiful as the people Andrew met. One being another great Chiles that endured many trials and hiked with him for miles, who's now added to the piles of files containing great people Andrew's had the privelledge of meeting. It was quite a thrill for him to meet a young man named Will.

After a few days of work Andrew wrote in complaining of RSI (Really Slack Infection) and got some time off to go hiking with lead cook, Will, who misplaced the insect repellent causing an unthinkable number of mosquito casualties. Speaking of casualties none were caused by the above, but...

Many had gone before them and lost their lives on this stretch of snow.

But once again, any danger they faced was far outweighed by the many beautiful rewards.

Thinking about all that death gave Andrew a new outlook on life.

Not satisfied with just thinking about death, on the way back Andrew suggested walking on this ice. Maturity prevailed, and the boys continued their walk.

On the way back Andrew stopped to read. "Reading's cool!" he joked. Will retaliated "I wouldn't WARNTER-FALL" he said, as he played a mini trick (some call a trickle) on Andrew who dripped over. Presumably this was to teach him a lesson for making terrible jokes. Andrew wondered if that outburst was really set off by something deeper. 'Maybe it's my unwashed hands or maybe my choice of kitchen music' he thought, 'then again maybe my jokes are really that bad.'

A week or so later both Andrew and Will took off with two others in search of some elusive phone reception.

This involved a 5am wake up and some foward planning. They had to be up Mt Fernow by 2:30 for Chris' phone interview.

Up they hiked. Up, Up, Up

But not as high as what they next saw. Overhead the boys spotted what they believe was Air force 1 (the presidents private plane) closely guarded by a jet. They all took turns shouting suggestions about how the U.S should be governed...

That is, until Andrew saw a rocket headed straight for them. "Here it comes" Andrew cried.

Scott paid no attention and continued to drink his water. The rocket hit him and gave him a hairy face and made him look strangely similar to Andrews acquired brother Glenn Foster.

In spite of that unfortunate event the boys pressed on. Someone in a different direction.

Someone went in a different direction. Thinking he could climb over a tiny ridge and walk to where the others were heading Andrew wandered off. Will followed, probably more out of concern than that he actually thought Andrew could have possibly chosen a good path. Andrew assured Will things would get easier.

This 'little ridge' got bigger and bigger and steeper and steeper. Eventually Andrew stepped on some loose rocks and sent down a landslide that narrowly missed Will. That was the angriest he saw Will, who then climbed up next to him and suggested a new plan. Follow the leader!

Unable to head back down where they came up, Will and Andrew spent an hour climbing sideways to where the others were. The only casualty was the loss of a hiking pole.

The group was reformed and were soon ready to make up for lost time but when another poor path was chosen the remaining majority of the ascent was spent climbing up rocks that were loose, steep and dangerous. Without ropes and without a clue Andrew was convinced at least one person would be carried away in a helicopter and he was nearly right as Scott sent down a big rock at Will and Chris who ducked out of the way. The climbing got harder and for some panic set in. The interview suddenly took a back seat and the guys became far more worried about was getting out of this mess safely.

The climbing eventually turned back into a more manageable scramble and the group finally completed their quest. Chris found his reception with literally a minute or two to spare and took his high altitude phone interview. (This was the peak he took his interview on, look closely and you can see him) Short of breath from both the altitude gain and the hike Chris still managed to cough up a few good words because the next day he was given the job.

The interview was not the only breathtaking view. While Chris was on the phone the other three were keeping themselves busy drinking, eating and looking at majestic scenery like this. Not even Wills photography skills and million-megapixel camera could capture it all.

Soon after Chris got done it was time to head back down. Going down was much easier, and much less scary than Andrew anticipated. Some of the guys glissaded down the snow (gliding without ski's)

While others who weren't so coordinated slid down on their backsides. In fact, some spent so much time on their backsides that their rumps turned numb enough not to feel the many cuts inflicted upon them. The discovery of cuts came later that night as the shorts were removed to find the usual white insides had magically turned red.

Some glissading attempts can be viewed at:

A bleeding rump and bleeding elbows weren't enough to stop Andrew going on another hike. This time to Holden lake. On the way there were some pretty clouds that looked like sheep.

"How cool are they?" Andrew asked

"Pretty cool," said the friendly marmot who Andrew offended by mistaking for a beaver.

There was no mistaking this animal which Andrew had been longing to see ever since he took off on this adventure. He was led to it with less than an hour left at Holden Village.

It was a cute little bear cub. "His mother was nowhere to be seen, so it was obviously safe to take a video" Andrew reasoned. The more sensible bystanders disagreed but at least hung around as bait while Andrew got some footage.

Then it was time for Andrew to say goodbye to all the great people he had met at Holden Village. Here are some pictures of the people he met. The camera got switched to Sepia while Andrew remained on stupid mode.

Annie got rained on.

Jen died a horrible death, choking on her own cheeky tongue.

Scott got caught pinching a loaf (if you dont know what that means don't worry)

And Joy, clearly beaten by the 'ball of the century' walked for a duck. (Went 'out' scoring O runs)

Now desperate to get rid of him, some girls dragged a log over and pleaded with Andrew to get on and drift back to civilization. The disappointed girls soon realised Andrew was too uncoordinated to hop on and wouldn't you know it, Andrew somehow did end up with enough money for a ticket back to Chelan

Andrew then waved goodbye and boarded the 'Lady of the Lake' to begin the next chapter of this adventure.

After leaving Holden, Andrew discovered a program that can make panoramas. Here are some of the earlier pictures he took. If you can't see them very well CLICK TO ENLARGE because they are amazing.

The above was of Mt St Helens

This is the Oregon coast

And this is Crater Lake.

Andrew also spotted a lot of animals along the way and discovered putting films on youtube wasn't as hard as he thought so here are some of the videos of the Weird and Wonderful Wildlife he came into contact with.

Baby Bear
Kitchen staff

Time to drive on...